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Our Curriculum

No One Left Behind

Traditional Values


(everyone is equal)

Fun and Interactive

One Day a Week

Grades K-7

Innovative Learning

Small Class Sizes

Warm and Welcoming

Hebrew and Torah

Develop Your Jewish Identity

Our curriculum for each grade has been carefully designed to engage children at their age-appropriate level. Teaching methods vary to meet the needs of all children, with the understanding that each child is an individual with a unique set of strengths and interests.


  • Our K through 3rd grade students are introduced to the holidays, Torah, and Jewish ethics through a hands-on approach to learning. They experience Shabbat and the holidays through experiential learning and explore Torah stories through differentiated instruction.

  • Our 4th to 7th grade students have the opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of experiences, which have included courses on Judaism and social action, Jewish food, current events through a Jewish lens, bibliodrama, music and art. They also learn about middot (values/ethics), holidays, Jewish history, God, Torah and Israel at an age appropriate level.


Through our Jewish studies Program, students are able to:

  • Participate in innovative project-based classrooms

  • Experience the richness of the Jewish year as a community

  • Learn in-depth about holidays while not repeating material every year

  • Celebrate learning at our creative community days

  • Pray and learn weekly with our rabbi and educators

  • Explore the richness of the Torah at age-appropriate levels

  • Learn about the Jewish people and traditions through art, music, drama, and technology

  • Participate in the Jewish responsibility to care for others through giving tzedakah and doing Tikkun Olam mitzvah projects


Our Hebrew Program

  • Students are organized by skill level. This enables students to learn and progress at a pace and in an environment that is most conducive to their specific learning needs.

  • The goal of the program is not simply to teach decoding skills but to ensure that students understand the meanings of the prayers.

  • Resources are made available to parents that can enable them to help their child practice and support the learning that happens on Sundays.

  • Our Hebrew Lab is designed to help students who need extra, one-on-one instruction.

  • Parents hire a Hebrew tutor about a year prior to the bar/bat mitzvah date. The tutor helps the student learn his or her Torah and Haftorah portion.

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